Drone Safety
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones as they are often called, are increasingly available online and on store shelves. Prospective operators—from consumers to businesses—want to fly and fly safely, but many don’t realize that, just because you can easily acquire a UAS, doesn’t mean you can fly it anywhere, or for any purpose. “Know Before You Fly” is an educational campaign that provides prospective users with the information and guidance they need to fly safely and responsibly.
Learn more at https://knowbeforeyoufly.org/
Redesigned B4UFLY App Available Now
The FAA in partnership with Kittyhawk relaunched its B4UFLY mobile application that allows recreational drone flyers know where they can and cannot fly in the national airspace system (NAS). The new B4UFLY app is now available to download for free at the App Store for iOS and Google Play store for Android.
“As we continue our efforts to safely integrate drones into the NAS, working with our industry partners to provide innovative technology is critical,” said FAA Acting Administrator Dan Elwell. “The B4UFLY app is another tool the FAA can provide recreational drone flyers to help them fly safely and responsibly.”
Some of the key features users can expect include: A clear "status" indicator that informs the operator whether it is safe to fly or not. (For example, it shows flying in the Special Flight Rules Area around Washington, D.C. is prohibited.) Informative, interactive maps with filtering options. Information about controlled airspace, special use airspace, critical infrastructure, airports, national parks, military training routes and temporary flight restrictions. A link to LAANC, the FAA’s Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability, to obtain authorization to fly in controlled airspace. The ability to check whether it is safe to fly in different locations by searching for a location or moving the location pin. Links to other FAA drone resources and regulatory information. The app provides situational awareness to recreational flyers and other drone users. It does not allow users to obtain airspace authorizations to fly in controlled airspace, which are only available through LAANC. For more information, view B4UFLY.
A professionally illustrated guide to Drone Safety can also be found here http://3dinsider.com/drone-safety/
Passenger Guide

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There are now more options than ever to go on an adventure just one flight away from Sioux Falls. Whether it’s new Allegiant direct flights to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Austin, TX; and Orange County, Calif., or new Frontier direct flights to Orlando, Fla., and Las Vegas, Nev., you’re that much closer to your destination at FSD.
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